Students' seminar: Theoretical Physics, Modeling & TSA | Berlin-Potsdam-Colloquia: PhysGesellschaft Berlin, TU Berlin, Pro Physik, AIP, AEI, MPI-KGF, GFZ, HMI, PIK, AWI, Mathematik, DPG | Upcoming seminars, Disputationen, & Vorschau UP |
Title | Speaker/Organizer | Time | Place |
Deciphering Dynamics Through Recurrences (PhD defence) | Komalapriya Chandrasekaran, Nichtlineare Dynamik, Uni Potsdam | Mon, Dec 21, 2009, 1pm | Building 28, Room 0.102 |
Chimera states as chaotic spatio-temporal patterns | Oleh Omelchenko, WIAS Berlin | Mon, Dec 7, 2009, 3:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Destruction and recovery of hyperbolic chaos in a chain with local hyperbolic dynamics | P. Kuptsov, Department of Informatics, Saratov state Academy of law, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Science, Russia | Mon, Nov 30, 2009, 3:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Über maschinelles Lernen und das Spielen mit Viren und Zombies * Antrittsvorlesung | Tobias Scheffer, Professor für Informatik/ Maschinelles Lernen, Institut für Informatik | Thu, Nov 26, 2009, 5:15pm | Hörsaal F.1.01, Haus 25, Campus Golm |
A numerical study of the inviscid limit for the 2D Navier-Stokes initial value problem with no-slip boundary conditions | Romain Nguyen van yen, LMD-CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris | Wed, Nov 25, 2009, 2pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Wavelet based tools to study turbulent flows | Marie Farge, LMD-CNRS ENS Paris, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin | Wed, Nov 25, 2009, 1pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Thin film dynamics: the birth of compact fractal objects | Sergey Shklyaev, Perm State University, Russia | Mon, Nov 23, 2009, 3:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Modellbasierte Analyse kardiovaskulaerer Kopplungen (PhD defence) | Maik Riedl, Nichtlineare Dynamik, Uni Potsdam | Mon, Nov 23, 2009, 3pm | Building 28, Room 0.104 |
Application of the wavelet analysis to the study of fetal heart rate | Sergei Rogosin, Belarusian State University | Thu, Nov 19, 2009, 3:30pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Analyse Kardiovaskulaerer Kopplungen | Maik Riedl, Nichtlineare Dynamik, Uni Potsdam | Wed, Nov 18, 2009, 1:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Functional modeling of neural interactions in brain tissue: Potassium-driven ensembles and neuron-astrocyte networks | D. Postnov, Saratov University | Thu, Nov 12, 2009, 3:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Design of multi-cluster and desynchronized states in oscillatory media by nonlinear global feedback | Yasuaki Kobayashi, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | Fri, Nov 6, 2009, 4pm | Richard-Willstätter-Haus, Faradayweg 10, 14195 Berlin (Dahlem), U-Bahnhof "Thielplatz" (U3) |
Die Geometrie der Turbulenz | Eberhard Bodenschatz, MPI fuer Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, Goettingen | Thu Nov 5, 2009, 6:30pm | Magnus-Haus, Am Kupfergraben 7 - 10117 Berlin (Mitte) |
Emergence of turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensate | V.S. Bagnato, Institute de Fisica de Sao Carlos - University of S. Paulo,, Sao Carlos - SP - Brazil | Wed Nov 4, 2009, 5:15pm | Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Open Access at the Uni Potsdam | Dagmar Schobert - Universitaetsverlag Potsdam, Universität Potsdam | Thu Oct 22, 2009, 12-16 | Building 28, ground floor foyer near room 0.104 |
Nonlinear analog circuits based on organic technology | Elena Umana, Electrical Sciences Group, University of Catania, Italy | Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 2:00pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Nonlinear circuits for complex dynamics | Gregorio Sciuto, Electrical Sciences Group, University of Catania, Italy | Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 1:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Semi-automatic parallelization of stencil-based algorithms | Nicola Botta, PIK | Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 1:00pm | PIK, large seminar room in the annex building, Pappelallee |
Probabilistic Forecasts -- Interpretation, Generation, and Skill Assessment | Jochen Broecker, MPI PKS Dresden | Tue Oct 13, 2009, 1pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Kuppel |
Moonlets in Saturn's dense rings (PhD defence in German) | Martin Seiß, Nonlinear dynamics group, Institut f. Physik u. Astronomie, Universität Potsdam | Thu Oct 1, 2009, 3pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Magnetfelder in der Sonnenatmosphäre (PhD defence) | Marcel Fuhrmann, Nonlinear dynamics group, Institut f. Physik u. Astronomie, Universität Potsdam | Mon Sept 7, 2009, 10 am | Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Onto voltage mappings for neuron models | Andrey Shilnikov, Neuroscience Institute joint with Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University, USA | Wed Jul 22 2009, 3:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Introductory course on Bayesian data analysis: Linear fixed effects model. Regression/ANOVA | Bruno Schwenk, Uni Potsdam | July 20-23, 2009, 9-12 (lecture) & 13-15 (pool) | MPI-MP/MPI-CI, "The Box" (MPI-Nebengebäude) & Uni campus Golm, building 28, computer pool 0.87 |
Wittgenstein - Der Geist im Fliegenglas. Fachtagung des Instituts für Philosophie mit faszinierenden kognitionswissenschaftlichen Bezügen. | Hans J. Schneider, Joachim Schulte, Severin Schroeder, Christiane Schildknecht, James Conant, Ralf Stoecker, Stefan Tolksdorf, Ansgar Beckermann, Eike von Savigny | July 9-10, 2009 | Campus Neues Palais, Building 8, Room 0.60/61 (Foyer) |
Schroedingers Mirrors: Quantum Experiments with Micro-Mechanical Systems | Markus Aspelmeyer, Institute for Quanten Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria | Wed July 8, 2009, 5:15pm | Building 25, Room F001 |
Sfb 555 - Symposium - Pattern formation: Ensemble Kalman filters; Phase dynamics for coupled oscillators; Delocalization transmission | S. Reich; M. Rosenblum; D. Shepelyansky | Fri 3 Jul 2009, 16-18:10 | Richard-Willstädter-Haus, Berlin, Faradayweg 10 |
The marginal likelihood of structural time series models with application to the US and the euro area NAIRU | Christophe Planas, Econometrics and applied statistics, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC), The European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy | Fri Jul 3, 2009, 1pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Ergodic Partition Theory and Visualization of Invariant Sets and Resonances in Dynamical Systems | Zoran Levnajic, Statistical Physics / Theory of Chaos, Uni Potsdam | Wed Jul 1, 2009, 1pm | Building 28, Room 2.100 |
Inter-trial variability and predictability of event-related potentials in EEG measurements | Changsong Zhou, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, China | Fri Jun 19, 2009, 3:30pm | Building 14, Room 4.15 |
Modeling of ecosystems | Ken Haste Andersen, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Copenhagen, Denmark | Fri Jun 19, 2009, 2pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Sequentially activated groups in neural networks | Komarov Maxim | Tue Jun 16, 2009, 2pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Kuppel |
Complexity vs modularity in synchronization of complex networks | Changsong Zhou, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, China | Tue Jun 16, 2009, 1pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Kuppel |
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2009 am Institut für Physik und Astronomie | Wasserrad * Poster * Radio Eins | Sat June 13, 2009, 17pm - 1am | Campus Golm, Building 28, ground floor |
Physik an der Grenze zwischen Materialwissenschaft und Biologie | Peter Fratzl, Honorarprofessor, Physik der Biomaterialien, Institut für Physik und Astronomie / Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung | Thu June 11, 2009, 5:15pm | Building 25, Room F1.01 |
Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn's rings | Larry W. Esposito, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA | Wed June 10, 2009, 5:15pm | Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Spectral intervals for differential-algebraic equations | Vu Hoang Linh, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam & V. Mehrmann, TU Berlin | Wed Jun 3, 2009, 11am | Campus Neues Palais, Building 22, Room 1.28 |
Modelling Finite Fields (Euler-Vorlesung in Sanssouci) | Hendrik W. Lenstra, Universiteit Leiden, Niederlande | Fri 29 May 2009, 14:00 | Schlosstheater im Neuen Palais |
Astrophysics and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life 13. Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam |
Frank Drake, Direktor (Emeritus), SETI Institut | Wed & Thu May 27-28, 2009 | Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Hörsaal des Schwarzschildhauses, An der Sternwarte 16 Universitätscampus Golm, Haus 27 Auditorium maximum der Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais |
Breathing and standing waves in reaction-diffusion systems | Igal Berenstein, Department of Chemistry and Volen Center for Complex Systems, Brandeis University, MA, USA | Wed May 27 2009, 3:00pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Complex self-organized dynamics in oscillatory networks and method of its control | Santiago Gil, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | Fri 15 May 2009, 4pm | Richard-Willstädter-Haus, Fritz-Haber-Institut (FHI) der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 10, 14195 Berlin (U3 U-Bhf. Thielplatz) |
Genetic Oscillations | Mogens H. Jensen, Professor of Complex Systems and Biophysics, Director of BioNET - "Danish Center for Biophysics" Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen | Wed May 13 2009, 3:15pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Entrainment in nonlinear oscillator model of insect flight | Elena Shchekinova, MPI fuer Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden | Mon May 4, 2009, 3:15 | Building 28, Room 0.104 |
Earthquake dynamics and complexity | Louise Olsen-Kettle, Earth Systems Science Computational Centre, The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA | Wed Apr 29, 2009, 3pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Synchronization in complex networks | Albert Diaz-Guilera, Departament de Fisica Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain | Tue Apr 28, 2009, 3pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Generalized recurrence plots for the analysis of spatially distributed reaction-diffusion systems | Angelo Facchini, Dept. of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, Siena University, Siena, Italy | Tue Apr 28, 2009, 1pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Room 16 |
Traffic jumps in a cell: lost in translation | M. Carmen Romano, School of Natural and Computing Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK | Fri Apr 17, 2009, 2pm | Central Building Max Planck Campus, Seminar Room Z-1.052/53 |
On recurrence and networks | Marco Thiel, University of Aberdeen, UK | Tue Apr 14, 2009, 1pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Cupola |
Kolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Norbert Seehafer: Helizitäten auf der Sonne: Beobachtung und Theorie & Musterbildung in der Fluiddynamik |
G. Rüdiger, AIP & F. Feudel, Uni Potsdam | Thu Apr 2, 2009, 2pm | Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Modeling the Joint Probability of Earthquake, Site and Ground-Motion Parameters Using Bayesian Networks | Nicolas Kühn, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Potsdam | Wed Feb 18, 2009, 3pm | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Image Processing Methods to study Cortical Actin Dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Mario Bettenbuehl, Center for dynamics of complex systems & Institut f. Mathematik, UP | Mon Feb 16, 2009, 5:15 | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Equilibrium shapes of Gilbert-Taylor cones | Florian Grossmann, Komplexe Systeme, Marburg | Mon Feb 16, 2009, 3:15 | Building 28, Room 0.104 |
Linking structure and function of complex cortical networks (PhD defence) | Gorka Zamora-Lòpez, Nonlinear dynamics group, Institut f. Physik u. Astronomie, Universität Potsdam | Thu Feb 12, 2009, 15:30 | Building 14, Room 2.06 |
What have "Propellers" in Saturns Rings to do with Planet-Formation? | Frank Spahn, Nonlinear dynamics group, Institut f. Physik u. Astronomie, Universität Potsdam | Wed Feb 11, 2009, 17:15 | Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Mental States as Macrostates Emerging from EEG Dynamics | Carsten Allefeld, Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology, Freiburg i.Br. | Thu 5 Feb 2009, 17:15 - 18:45 | Building 28, Room 2.104 |
Mathematische Modellierung von Mikrobewegungen der Augen (PhD defence) | Konstantin Mergenthaler, Institut fuer Psychologie, UP | Tue Feb 3, 2009, 17:00 | Building 28, Room 2.123 |
New theoretical approaches to bone remodelling: Markov processes and stochastic resonance (PhD defence) | Marco Rusconi, Nonlinear dynamics group, UP | Fri Jan 30, 2009, 11am | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
State and Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Systems | Henry Abarbanel, Distinguished Professor of Physics and Research Physicist (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) and Director of the Institute for Nonlinear Science University of California San Diego, USA | Thu Jan 29, 2009, 2pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Cupola |
Plykin attractor in non-autonomous differential equations and its realization with coupled oscillators | Sergey P. Kuznetsov, Theoretical Nonlinear Dynamics, Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Saratov Branch, Saratov, Russia | Mon Jan 26, 2009, 3:15pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.104 |
Temperature compensation in circadian oscillation | Xiaoqing Li, Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Potsdam-Golm | Wed Jan 14, 2009, 3:00pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Die Physik und Astrophysik thermonuklearer Supernovaexplosionen | Wolfgang Hillebrandt, MPI fuer Astrophysik, Garching | Thu 8 Jan 2009, 18:30 | Magnus-Haus, Am Kupfergraben 7 - 10117 Berlin (Mitte) |
Planetary Rings - natural dynamical labs for disks in space | Frank Spahn, Uni Potsdam | Fri Dec 12, 2008, 11 am | Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Schwarzschild-Haus, Lecture hall of the Schwarzschild Building |
Towards real-time entropy for the practical analysis of time series | Mark Titchener, Uni of Auckland, New Zealand | Tue Dec 9, 2008, 1pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, building A62, "red salon" (3rd floor) |
Flüssiges unterkühltes Grenzflächenwasser in der Marsoberfläche (PhD defence) | Andreas Lorek, DLR, Berlin | Mon Dec 8, 2008, 2:30pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Statistics of phase fluctuations | Anna Zakharova, Saratov University | Wed Dec 3, 2008, 3pm | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Time-Dependent Billiards and Maxwell's Demon | A. Loskutov, Moscow State University | Mon Dec 1, 2008, 3:15pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.104 |
Methods of nonlinear dynamics for data analyses of long time predator-prey oscillations | Lars Rudolf, Uni Oldenburg | Thu Nov 27, 2008, 3:15pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Crash course on support vector machines (30 minutes intro at the blackboard) | Matthias Holschneider, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Potsdam | Wed Nov 26, 2008, 1:30pm | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Wavelet Analysis of Experimental Data | Alexey Pavlov, Saratov University | Wed Nov 26, 2008, 3pm | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Wavelet Analysis of gaped data | Natallia Makarava, Potsdam University | Wed Nov 19, 2008, 3pm | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Recurrence analysis of strange non-chaotic attractors | Eulalie Joelle Ngamga, Potsdam University | Mon Nov 17, 2008, 2:30pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Mathematische Mikroskope und Klimaforschung * Veranstaltung im "Jahr der Mathematik" | M. Holschneider und C. Böckmann, Potsdam University | Tue Nov 11, 2008, 6pm | URANIA "Wilhelm Foerster" Potsdam e.V., GutenbergstraÃe 71-72, 14467 Potsdam |
Pattern selection in long wave oscillatory convection of a binary liquid * Oberseminar: Nichtlineare und Biologische Physik | S. Shklyaev (Perm State University, Perm, Russia), A.A. Nepomnyashchy, and A. Oron (Technion, Haifa, Israel) | Mon Nov 10, 2008, 3:15pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.104 |
Dynamic Coupling of ENSO and the Thermohaline Circulation | Heiko Gölzer, Department Climate System, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PhD defence) | Tue Nov 4, 2008, 13:00 | Campus Golm, |
Synchronization phenomena in mixed media of oscillatory, excitable and passive systems | G. Osipov, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | Mon Nov 3, 2008, 13:30 | Telegraphenberg, Building H, Room 2 |
Traffic of molecular motors | Yan Chai, Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung | Thu Oct 16, 2008, 3pm | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.104 |
Wavelets and their applications to physiological data | Alexey Pavlov, Saratov University | Thu Oct 16, 2008, 3pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Cupola |
Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg 2008 * Programme * Programme (pdf file), Abstracts | Participants | Oct 8-10, 2008 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Workshop: Teilprozesse der Sprachverarbeitung | Institut für Germanistik | Thur Oct 2, 2008, 10am - 7pm | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 8, Room 059 |
Predator-prey dynamics under the influence of exogenous and endogenous regulation. A data-based modeling study on spring plankton with respect to climate change | Katrin Tirok, Uni Potsdam | Mon Oct 6, 2008, 16:00 | Campus Golm, |
1st International Workshop on Data Analysis and Modelling in Earth Sciences (DAMES 2008) | Programme | Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2008 | Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) / Telegrafenberg |
Local and global oscillations as a means for neocortico-hippocampal communication | Anton Sirota, Neuroscience, Rutgers University, US | Fri Sept 19, 2008, 13:00 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
A new method of searching unstable periodic orbit and its applications | Naoya Fujiwara, Center for Dynamics of Complex Systems | Wed Sept 17, 2008, 13:30 | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Noise induced firing and synchronization in coupled type I neurons * DFG Graduate School 1364 | Nishant Malik, Center for Dynamics of Complex Systems, University of Potsdam | Wed Sept 10, 2008, 13:30 | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Tag der offenen Tür am Institut für Physik und Astronomie | Wasserrad * Poster | Sat Sept 6, 2008, 10:00-16:00 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
How random a random network is: a random matrix analysis | Sarika Jalan, MPI Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden | Thur Sept 4, 2008, 3pm | Telegraphenberg, PIK, A31, Cupola |
Guenther Ruediger: 10.000 days MHD in Potsdam | AIP | Mon Sept 1, 2008, 2pm - 7pm | Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Schwarzschild-Haus, Hörsaal |
Automatic detection of the third heart sound * Slides of the talk | Zur Hadas, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel | Wed 27 Aug 2008, 13:30 | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Biosignalverarbeitung 2008 | Program | July 16-18, 2008 | Audimax Potsdam |
Spatio-temporal patterns in marine systems | Ulrike Feudel, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany | Wed 16 Jul 2008, 17:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
About the relations between aesthetics, science and learning | Martin Per-Olof Wickman, Stockholm University | Wed 9 Jul 2008, 17:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Chirikov Standard Map | D. Shepelyansky, CNRS Toulouse, France | Mon 7 Jul 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Materialien der Natur - ein Vorbild fuer technische Anwendungen | Peter Fratzl, MPI fuer Kolloid- und Grenzflaechenforschung Potsdam | Thu 3 Jul 2008, 18:30 | Magnus-Haus, Am Kupfergraben 7 - 10117 Berlin (Mitte) |
Inferenz von Preiseffekten bei Modeartikeln: Kombination von Experimental- und Absatzdaten | Gero Schwenk, Marketing, Uni Frankfurt/Main | Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:30 | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Bifurcations to heteroclinic cycles in coupled phase oscillators | O. Burylko, Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv | Mon 30 Jun 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Sfb 555 - Symposium - Pattern formation | Jürgen Schmidt, Arthur Straube, Michael Rosenblum, Universität Potsdam | Fri 13 Jun 2008, 16-18:10 | Richard-Willstädter-Haus, Berlin, Faradayweg 10 |
Current sheet formation at a magnetic neutral line in Hall magnetohydrodynamics | Yuri Litvinenko, University of New Hampshire, USA | Mon 23 Jun 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Stochastische Approximation deterministischer Systeme, langreichweitige Korrelationen und die Nicht-Äquivalenz von Zeit- und Raummittel | Holger Kantz, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden | Wed 18 Jun 2008, 17:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Return Times of Extreme Events in Long-Range Persistent Processes | Annette Witt, Department of Nonlinear Dynamics, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, Göttingen | Wed 18 Jun 2008, 14:30 | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
A Multivariate Approach to Correlation Analysis Based on Random Matrix Theory | Markus Mueller, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexiko | Mon 16 Jun 2008, 17:00 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 2.123 |
Why singularities are good for you | Philip Rosenau, Tel Aviv University | Mon 16 Jun 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Sfb 555 - Symposium - Neurodynamics | Henry C. Tuckwell (MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwiss., Leipzig), Markus Dahlem (TUB), Tilo Schwalger (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden) | Fri 13 Jun 2008, 16-18:10 | Richard-Willstädter-Haus, Berlin, Faradayweg 10 |
Chaos vs. structure: what do "propellers" tell about planet formation | Frank Spahn, Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam | Wed 11 Jun 2008, 14:30 | Campus Neues Palais, Building 19, Room 4.15 |
Wavelet analysis of seismic surface waves | Matthias Holschneider, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Potsdam | Wed 11 Jun 2008, 14:00 | Campus Neues Palais, Building 19, Room 4.15 |
Aggregation and Fragmentation in Chaotic Flows | Ulrike Feudel, Universität Oldenburg | Mon 9 Jun 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Zelldynamik aus der Sicht der Strukturbildung - physikalische Konzepte für ein biologisches Problem | Carsten Beta, Biologische Physik, Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam | Thu 5 Jun 2008, 17:15 | Campus Golm, Building 25, Room F.1.01 |
The many faces of black holes - Living reviews in relativity. Celebrating 10 years online | Abhay Ashtekar | Tue 3 Jun 2008, 7pm | Lecture hall 2097, HUB, Unter den Linden 6 |
Bewegte Bilder aus Polymeren (12. Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam) | Sir Richard Friend Dieter Neher, Dirk Kurth, Silvia Janietz, Carsten Dosche |
May 28-30, 2008 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 Neues Palais, Audimax Wissenschaftspark Golm, Hörsaal Z-0.050 |
How topologists count things (Euler-Vorlesung in Sanssouci) | Michael J. Hopkins, Harvard University, USA | Fri 23 May 2008, 14:00 | Schlosstheater im Neuen Palais |
Discovery and Modeling of Enceladus' Dust Fountains (Vorstellung Habilitationsthema) | J. Schmidt, Institut fuer Physik und Astronomie | Wed 21 May 2008, 17:45 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Computational Cosmology (Vorstellung Habilitationsthema) | Alexander Knebe, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam | Wed 21 May 2008, 17:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Synthetic Gene Networks for Cellular Regulation | Aneta Koseska, Institut fuer Physik und Astronomie | Wed 21 May 2008, 14:30 | Campus Neues Palais, Building 19, Room 4.15 |
Feedback control of complex oscillatory systems (PhD defence) | Natalia Tukhlina, Institut für Physik und Astronomie | Fri 16 May 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 27, Room 0.01 |
Regularisierungszugänge für ein nichtlineares inverses Optionspreisproblem | Bernd Hofmann, Fakultät für Mathematik, Technische Universität Chemnitz | Wed 14 May 2008, 13:30 | Campus Neues Palais, Building 9, Room 2.06 |
Black Hole Production at the LHC? | Matt Choptuik | Wed 30 Apr 2008, 14:00 | Max Planck Campus Golm, central building, main lecture hall |
Realization of some classic models and phenomena of nonlinear dynamics with coupled non-autonomous oscillators | Sergey Kuznetsov, Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Saratov Branch, and Department on Nonlinear Processes of Saratov State University | Mon 28 Apr 2008, 15:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108 |
Bahnenbüschel als Skelett von Chaos, klassisch wie quantenmechanisch (Max-von-Laue-Kolloquium. Moderation: Martin Wilkens, PGzB) | Fritz Haake, Fachbereich Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen | Fri 25 Apr 2008, 17:15 | Technische Universität Berlin, Ernst-Ruska-Gebäude, Hörsaal ER270, HardenbergstraÃe 36, 10623 Berlin |
W2-Professur für Experimentalphysik | Bargheer, Kienle, Koch, Ostermeyer, Papadakis, Pfohl, Santer, Volkmer, Wilke, Wurm | Apr 18-19, 2008, 11:15 | Campus Golm, Building 28 "Baustelle", Room 0.108 |
Bio-inspired Complex Networks in Science and Technology From Topology to Structure and Dynamics (program) | speakers and participants (Boccaletti, Gross & Kurths) | April 14 - May 9, 2008 | Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
On Ergodic Properties of Perturbed Bernoulli Maps: The Spectrum of Jacobi Operators | Tiago Pereira da Silva, Brazil | Thu 10 Apr 2008, 15:00 | Campus Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 415 |
Modelling the annual cycle of extreme precipitation | H. Rust, Uni Potsdam | Thu 10 Apr 2008, 14:30 | Building 19, Room 415 |
Directional Spherical Multipole Wavelets | Michael Hayn, Angewandte Mathematik | Thu 10 Apr 2008, 11:30 | Building 19, Room 415 |
Manipulations of spike trains and their impact on synchrony analysis | Antonio Pazienti, Neuroinformatics, FU Berlin | Fri 7 Mar 2008, 10:00 | Building 19, Room 415 |
Structure-Function Relationship in Hierarchical Model of Brain Networks | Lucia Zemanova | Wed 27 Feb 2008, 11:00 | Building 19, Room 415 |
Reaktionen an Festkörper-Oberflächen: Vom Atomaren zum Komplexen (Oeffentlicher Vortrag bei der 72. Jahrestagung der DPG) | Gerhard Ertl, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | Mon 25 Feb 2008, 20:00 | Urania, Phys Gesell zu Berlin |
Bifurcations of Strange Attractors | L. Shilnikov, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | Tue 12 Jan 2008, 14:00 | Building 19, Room 415 |
Klimavariabilität der Tropo- und Stratosphäre in einem globalen gekoppelten Atmosphäre-Ozean-Modell mit vereinfachter stratosphärischer Chemie (PhD defence) | Sascha Brand, AWI-Potsdam | Fri 8 Feb 2008, 13:00 | Building 9, Room |
Entwicklung von Large-Scale-Dimensionsdichten und deren Anwendung auf biomedizinische Daten (PhD defence) | Corinna Raab, Institute of Physics, Uni Potsdam | Thu 7 Feb 2008, 15:15 | Building 9, Room |
Liquid Mophologies on Patterned Surfaces (PhD defence) | Pedro Blecua, MPI f. Kolloid- und Grenzflaechenforschung | Fri 1 Feb 2008, 15:00 | Building 8, Room |
Thermische Evolution und Habitabilität erdähnlicher Exoplaneten (PhD defence) | Christine Bounama, GFZ, Potsdam | Thu 31 Jan 2008, 10:30 | Building 8, Room |
Cellular automata with stochastic updating: a classification of their convergence properties | Nazim Fatès, Nancy, Frankreich | Fri 18 Jan 2008, 11:00 | Building 22, Room 028 |
Das kurze Gedaechtnis des Wassers - Neue Ergebnisse der Ultrakurzzeitphysik | Thomas Elsaesser, Max-Born-Institut, Berlin | Wed 16 Jan 2008, 17:15 | Haus 27 in Golm, Hoersaal 0.01 |
Seminar on networks | Gorka Zamora Lopez, Institute of Physics, Uni Potsdam | Tue 15 & Thu 17 Jan 2008, 11:00 | Building 22, Room 028 |