Biography |
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Personal data | Name: Udo Schwarz |
Annual net energy demand: 8 MWh or approx 1t CO2 Aviation fuel there and back Frankfurt-NY: 100 t CO2 |
Born: January 6th, 1955 in Cottbus, Deutsche Demokratische Republik Son of the shopkeeper Erich Schwarz (1911-2003, participation in WW2 in France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Soviet Union 1940-1945, POW in the Soviet Union 1945-1947) and his wife Liesbeth Krüger (1933-2020) Residing at Burg-Spreewald / Kolonie from 1955 to 1976 Two brothers Norbert (1956-2020) & Manfred -> Wendischer Gottesdienst |
Family: 1980 - 2000 married, 1985 daughter Linda 2009 second marriage with Helgard Riemer |
Details: MfS records (1979-1988, more than 1000 pages) | |
Education | |
1961 - 1971 | Primary school: Allgemeinbildende Oberschule ( Burg / Spreewald) |
1971 - 1974 | Secondary school: Abitur (school-leaving exam) & Berufsschule der Kraftwerke Lübbenau/Vetschau 2.5 GW |
1974 - 1976 | Military service: Air Force FTB-31/37, NBC weapons attack follow-up care, Nationale Volksarmee, Drewitz/Jänschwalde/Ost & Garz/Usedom |
1976 - 1980 | Physics & Mathematics at the Potsdam College of Education |
1980 | Diploma thesis in Physics: Models for wave propagation in inhomogeneous media |
1985 | Military service: Air Force, KChA-14, NBC weapons attack follow-up care, Nationale Volksarmee, Waldsieversdorf/Rotes Luch |
1992 - 1995 | PhD student, Nonlinear Dynamics Group of the Max-Planck Society at the Institute of Physics, Potsdam |
1995 | PhD: Time series analysis of astrophysical activity phenomena |
2005 | Practical training in neurologic rehabilitation at the hospital Bavaria at Kreischa (hemispatial neglect) |
Positions | |
1974 & 1976 | Operator for 100 MW thermal power station, Vetschau 1.2 GW |
1980 - 1988 | Quantum Chemistry Group, Potsdam College of Education |
1988 - 1990 | Magnetosphere Physics Group, Central Institute for Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences |
1990 - 1991 | Nonlinear Dynamics Group, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam |
1991-1994 | Nonlinear Dynamics Group of the Max-Planck Society at the Institute of Physics, University of Potsdam |
1995-2009 | Center for Dynamics of Complex Systems, Semimare 1994-2007, Semimare 2008-2009, University of Potsdam: DYCOS history, Bericht 1994-2000 , Bericht 2000-2003 , Bericht 2003-2006 , Report 2003-2006 |
2009-2019 | Focus Area Complex Systems, University of Potsdam: Evaluation 2013, pdf, DYCOS flyer, DYCOS poster |
2019-2023 | Research focus: Data-centric sciences, University of Potsdam. Page history since 2020: Look at the Wayback Machine: | .